FatFit Club

FatFit Club

Hi, This club is for fat people like myself. Not only fat, but they thrive to becom fit. I wasn't always fat, I was a normal kid once. But at the age of 9, something changed at home. My father returned back home from the war. Food returned to the table. I was pleased, but I didn't know that I was going to be fat. I ate and ate and ate. I didn't know when to stop. I never had a full stomach. I was always hungry. Suddenly, the food was there any moment I wanted it. How could I resist? When we were living with my mother, starving to death (not literally), I took an ougth to myself that I will never be hungry again. And when I get food, I will never waste it. I will eat it all. And that's what I did. I ate and ate and ate. I was never hungry again. But I was fat. One day, my body started to change. The barrier of fattness was broken as I call it. I started getting fatter by the day. My ass was getting bigger, my chest as well. Two years into This way of eating and I almost became a balloon. I was a kid back then, and I never stopped running. I was fast and strong compared to the kids in my neighborhood. However, when I reached 12 or sixth grade I started focusing more on studying since we have